EnerFlex® D-DIET

The Comprehensive Diet for Liver Rejuvenation

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Product Overview

EnerFlex® D-DIET is comprehensive functional nutrition to support rejuvenation of liver organ including diabetics with uncontrolled blood sugar. EnerFlex® D-DIET is a Zone-Favourable Diet powered by 188mg organically grown AFA (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) Blue Green Algae harvested from the Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon, United States of America. EnerFlex® D-DIET is rich in soy protein, soy isoflavones, soy lecithin and omega 3 fatty acids to ensure optimum health and liver rejuvenation including in the prevention of fatty liver.

Effectiveness of EnerFlex® D-DIET in improving liver function markers, cholesterol profiling, HbA1C, renal function and fasting sugar was assessed in a observational clinical study involving 80 Type 2 Diabetes patients with abnormal liver function markers followed up by 33 General Practitioners for 12 weeks showed significant improvement in liver function and LDL-C without imposing negative influence on diabetes profile and renal function.

Direction of use: 1-2 sachets a day.

EnerFlex® D-DIET... 全面性支撐肝臟再生的營養配方

EnerFlex® D-DIET是全面性支撐肝臟器官再生的功能性營養包括因為肝臟功能性障礙引起血糖及膽固醇超標或者不受控制。 EnerFlex® D-DIET是一個區域食療配方,添加188mg來自上美國俄勒岡州克拉馬斯湖的有機 AFA(Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) 藍綠藻。 EnerFlex® D-DIET含有豐富的大豆蛋白,大豆異黃酮,大豆卵磷脂和歐米加3脂肪酸,以保證最佳的肝臟健康和年輕化,其中包括在預防脂肪肝。

為了證明 EnerFlex® D-DIET的有效性, 在一項臨床觀察研究中涉及80位與肝功能異常指標的2型糖尿病患者進行測試。這項研究由33位全科醫生進行了12週每日2包EnerFlex® D-DIET臨床跟進。臨床結果顯示EnerFlex® D-DIET能有效改善肝功能指標,血脂,糖化血紅蛋白和腎功能及血糖,而同時對尿酸水平沒有任何負面影響。

使用方法: 每天1 - 2包.