EnerFlex® PLUS

Essential For Modern Women

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Keep You Young, Energetic And Healthy Every Women's Breast Health Guardian

Scientifically formulated palatable premixed organic based soybean powder consumed as a beverage containing a blend of soybean powder and soy protein isolates powder rich in complete mix of 6 types of natural soy isoflavones (genistin/genistein, daidzin/daidzein and glycitin/glycitein) powered by optimum protein-carbohydrate ratio of 0.6 -1.0, dietary fibre and essential vitamins and minerals to help elevating quality of life of modern women in a highly stressful environment. Constant positive feedbacks from users since the product launch in 2002 have made EnerFlex PLUS an essential functional food for women from all walks of life.

Each 20g powder contains approximately 30mg natural soy isoflavones . However, soy isoflavones content is very much depending on each soybean's natural constituent.

A healthy recommendation intake of soy isoflavones by American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) latest continous update report on breast cancer (2010) said the evidence is suggestive, soy reduces risk of breast cancer. Beyond breast cancer, AICR’s 2007 expert report concluded there was evidence linking soy or total isoflavone consumption to lower risk of cancers of the prostate and stomach. A handful of studies link soy or total isoflavone consumption with lower risk of lung and colon cancers.

In the largest study to date, a pooled analysis of studies that included almost 10,000 breast cancer patients, consuming at least 10 milligrams isoflavones (mg) daily linked to a 25 percent decrease in breast cancer recurrence. This effect was seen among both women from the United States and Asia, and was most evident in survivors of ER-negative cancer and those with ER-positive cancer taking tamoxifen.

Studies have demonstrated up to 100 mg/day of isoflavones – consumed in Asian populations long-term does not link to increased breast cancer risk.

Direction of use: 1-2 sachets a day.


EnerFlex Plus 是依據營養科學配置而成的美味有機大豆分飲料。此產品是以高品質有機大豆粉,及含有6種完整大豆異黃酮(genistin/genistein, daidzin/daidzein & glycitin/glycitein)無基因改良大豆蛋白精華。此外,它也擁有健全及均衡 (0.6 至1.0) 的蛋白質 - 碳水化合物比率,高纖維及各種必須的營養素和礦物質以幫助提高現代女人的生活素質。 EnerFlex PLUS 自2002年面市以來, 持續不停地獲得飲用者的好評,讓此產品成為了現代女性須要的功能食物。每20克的EnerFlex PLUS 含有大约30毫克的天然大豆異黃酮。



研究顯示亞洲人群長期每天攝入量高達100毫克的異黃酮, 沒有鏈接到增加患乳腺癌的風險.

使用方法: 每天 1 - 2包.

About EnerFlex PLUS

Active Ingredients

Organic wholesome soybean powder, Non-GMO Soy Protein Isolate, Indigestible Dextrin, Vitamins (A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D3, E) and minerals (Iodine, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc)


Helps elevate the quality of life in women based on the scientific evidence of soy isoflavones, soy protein and product experience by users since the product launched in 2002 of which include:

  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Bone Health
  • Relief of Menopausal Symptoms especially insomnia, vaginal dryness, hot flushes and mood swing
  • Aid in Improving Menstruation Disorders

Mode of Action

Some of the recognized mode of actions on isoflavones-rich soy protein in human health include:

  • Regulation of LDL-Cholesterol and Triglycerides, prevention of peroxidation of LDL-Cholesterol and restoration of arterial endothelial function for healthier cardiovascular system
  • Stimulate bone formation and inhibit bone resorption
  • Double-edged sword SERM with both anti-estrogenic (anti-cancer) and pro-estrogenic (menopausal syndrome relief) properties
  • Wholesome soy isoflavones being found a potentially anti-carcinoma nutraceutical as it has the following activities:
    • Anti-Mutatic and Anti-Mitosis
    • Anti-Estrogenic (works similar to Tamoxifen drug)
    • Anti-Angiogenesis
    • Protein Tyrosine Kinase (PTK) Inhibitor
    • Free Radical Scavenger

Direction of Use

Dissolve 1 sachet of powder in 100 -120ml of warm water by using a shaker/tumbler. To be taken once or twice daily. Best before breakfast or /and before bed.

For anti-aging, anti-wrinkle, anti-pigmentation, dry skin, acne scars and tummy contouring, consume 1 sachet of EnerFlex COMPLEXION with 1 sachet of EnerFlex PROCARDO in the morning and 1-2 sachet of EnerFlex PLUS before bed daily.



有机大豆精华,非基因改造分离大豆蛋白,非消化形玉米麦芽糖糊精维他命 A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, C, D3, E 及矿物质碘,钙,镁,铁及锌。



  • 心血管健康
  • 改善更年期症状(失眠,阴道干涩,热红扉及情绪不稳)
  • 骨骼健康
  • 改善月经失调



  • 调理不良胆固醇,预防不良胆固醇氧化及维持心血管壁的良好状态。
  • 预防骨骼疏松症
  • 有助改善荷尔蒙失调
  • 含有抗癌效益



每天早上引用各一包 EnerFlexComplexion 和 EnerFlex Procardo 及睡前一至二包的 EnerFlex PLUS 有效改善老化,皱纹,黑斑,干燥皮肤及肚腩。

Competitive Edge

  • Cost effective, palatable, non-bloating wholesome soy food/beverage powered by complete soy isoflavones (SERM), soy protein, dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals.
  • One of the MOST WIDELY PRESCRIBED/DISPENSED trusted soy functional food by nutritionists / pharmacists / medical specialists since product launched in 2002.
  • Optimal PROTEIN: CARBOHYDRATE RATIO of which within the ZONE-FAVOURABLE DIET RATIO (0.6 -1.0) for healthy hormonal balance.


  • 物有所值,美味可口,不引起腹胀,完善大豆蛋白质并附含"SERM"异黄酮,膳食纤维,维他命及矿物质
  • 自2002年以来,备受营养师/药剂师/医生信赖及推荐
  • 均衡蛋白质:碳水化合物比率以促进荷尔蒙的平衡
  • 不含生物,化学及物体毒素。适合长期及安全饮用

Scientific evidence of soy protein and soy isoflavones in preventing and treating chronic diseases

Not All Soy Products Are Created Equal: Caution Needed in Interpretation of Research Results

J.Nutr.134: 1229S-1233S, 2004

Interest in the health benefits of soy foods has been intense among the research community, health professionals, and the public. Levels of isoflavones are frequently assumed to be constant within categories of soy foods, and intakes are estimated rather than being directly analyzed. With the hundreds of publications yearly on soy and isoflavones, it is especially important to consider the literature in its entirely when making pronouncements about health benefits. Chemical composition of soy concentrates or isolates is affected by processing techniques, including both solubilization method and temperature.

The soybean contains 6 forms of isoflavones in aglycone forms namely daidzin, daidzein, genistin, genistein, glycitin and glycitein. Simply indicating the total isoflavone content and the form of the isoflavones in a product is not sufficient. Ideally, all values should be expressed as the aglycone equivalent. The microflora in the intestinal tract in humans produce equol, the biologically active isoflavone from daidzein in the gastrointestinal tract and outcomes of studies with rats and mice may not predict the effect of soy isoflavone consumption by humans.

Cell culture studies often use isoflavone concentrations of 10 – 1000 times higher than physiological levels and provide isoflavones without other soy components. In vitro studies may either underestimate or overestimate the in vivo potency of isoflavones, particularly for studying structure-activity relationships and mechanisms whereby soy components may affect cellular or molecular events. An underestimation may occur because in vitro systems may lack cellular factors that potentiate the effects of isoflavones in vivo or because isoflavone metabolites are produced in vivo that are more potent than the parent compound.

To reduce the confusion regarding soy and health research, the media and public health officials should look at the totality of the evidence when commenting on the potential significance of new findings and demand that researchers be clear on what soy product or extract was used and how any findings compare with the existing literature.

New Soy-Breast Cancer Study Finds Small but Significant Protective Effect

American Institute for Cancer Research, Press Release: 4 April 2006. http://www.aicr.org

The new study, “Meta-Analysis of Soy Intake and Breast Cancer Risk,” appearing in the April 5 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI) analyzes data from 18 previously published studies and concludes that among healthy women, soy consumption was associated with a small but statistically significant (14 percent) reduction in breast cancer risk.

The JNCI study supports the notion that soy has a place as one component of a cancer-protective diet high in a variety of plant foods and low in meat and dairy products. It’s no miracle food, but it offers a healthy and versatile alternative to meat that can add variety to meals. No evidence has emerged that soy stimulate tumor growth in humans although laboratory studies that have investigated the relationship between soy and breast cancer at the cellular level have uncovered some evidence that individual soy components may have the potential to stimulate tumor growth in animal models under a specific set of conditions.

The use of soy supplements that contain individual soy components (soy protein, isoflavones, etc.) was not directly addressed by the JNCI Meta-Analysis. The author of the study were careful to mention that most of the data they investigated were related to the consumption of the whole soy foods.

The authors noted that the observed reduction in breast cancer risk associated with soy foods was roughly the same (approximately 14 percent) in both Asian and Western populations. The authors suggested that this might have something to do with the fact that the two cultures tend to consume soy at different times of life. “When it comes to soy and breast cancer, the most exciting hypothesis continues to be that intake during adolescence is the key to protection, “ soy foods expert Mark Messina , Ph.D. said.

Studies found that soy could become "pro-estrogen" in women with low levels of natural estrogen. In other words, concentrated soy supplements may add estrogen to the body and hence may increase breast cancer risk in post-menopausal women. Therefore, post-menopausal women should avoid taking concentrated soy supplements until more is known. Eating soy products, however, is not harmful.

Gloria Tsang, RD. www.healthcastle.com

Soy Isoflavones – Benefits and Risks from Nature’s Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators (SERMs)

Kenneth D.R. Setchell, PhD Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 20, No. 5, 354 -362S (2001)

Key teaching points:

  1. Soy is the richest dietary source of bioactive phytoestrogen called isoflavones and the their bioavailability is highly dependent on intestinal bacterial metabolism
  2. The pharmacokinetic behavior of isoflavones indicates that the maximal health benefits are most likely to be derived by consuming small amount of isoflavone-rich soy foods throughout the day
  3. Maximal health benefits from phytoestrogen-rich foods are likely to occur from regular and lifelong consumption
  4. Isoflavones have characteristics that are consistent with selective estrogen receptor modulators and not estrogen. As such, when consumed at usual dietary intakes consistent with intakes by Asians, isoflavones are unlikely to have the negative effects associated with estrogens

Perhaps the greater misnomer has been the liberal classification of soy isoflavones as ‘estrogen’. Concerns have been voiced that soy isoflavones are potentially harmful because they are ‘estrogens,’ albeit natural.

Soy isoflavones are naturally occuring estrogens have the ability to bind to estrogen receptors, as do many substances including anti-estrogens like tamoxifen used successfully to treat breast cancer due to the presence of the phenolic rings, and particularly the 4’-hydroxyl. Soy isoflavones especially the isoflavone genistein shows a higher relative affinity for binding to the ER-beta receptor, about six-to eightfold, and appear to model on selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) in their conformational binding to the receptor comparable to SERM raloxifene and not like estradiol as demonstrated in elegant X-Ray Crystallographic studies. So, rather than classifying soy isoflavones as ‘estrogen’, they should more correctly be judged to act hormonally as natural SERMs and thus suggests that soy isoflavones are likely to have the beneficial effect of estrogen without the negatives, especially in tissues such as the endometrium and breast.

Perhaps the most legitimate concern is the question of whether a woman with breast cancer should be advised to avoid soy foods and phytoestrogen supplements. Recommendations to avoid soy foods now being given by many health professionals to these patients are not based on any clinical evidence to support this advice. As discussed above, the fact that an isoflavone like genistein acts more like a SERM than an estrogen should be the basis for believing that soy foods are more likely to be beneficial for breast cancer treatment and prevention. The MORE trial of raloxifine supports this view.

Isoflavones are weak estrogens. More is not better. The safe range of intake is 35 – 55mg/day. Most Japanese consume about 25 – 50mg of soy isoflavones a day.

(Ref: PennState College of Agricultural Sciences: Functional Ingredients – Soy Protein and Soy Isoflavones)

Hormonal Effects of Soy Isoflavones: Studies in Premenopausal and Postmenopausal Women

Mindy S. Kurzer - Department of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN

Third International Symposium on the Role of Soy in Preventing and Treating Chronic Disease, Washington, D.C., October 31–November 3, 1999.

It has long been recognized that phytoestrogens exert hormonal effects in cell culture systems and animals, but effects in humans have not been studied until quite recently. The primary hypothesis of most researchers has been that phytoestrogens lower estrogen levels and action in the high estrogen milieu of premenopausal women and act as estrogen agonists in the low estrogen milieu of postmenopausal women. It has been proposed further that antiestrogenic effects of soy isoflavone consumption may lower breast cancer risk in premenopausal women, whereas estrogenic effects may benefit the cardiovascular system, bone and vasomotor systems in peri and postmenopausal women. Thus, hormonal effects might explain epidemiologic observations of lowered risk of chronic diseases and menopausal symptoms in populations that consume soy.

The major effects in premenopausal women consuming isoflavone-rich soy protein include decreased midcycle luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone concentrations; increased menstrual cycle length ; and decreased urinary estrogens, with a preferential decrease in proposed genotoxic estrogen metabolites. Increased menstrual cycle length and decreased urinary estrogen excretion may suggest reduced exposure to estrogen, and both have been associated with lowered risk of breast cancer. On the other hand, soy consumption has been observed to both increase and decrease plasma estrogen concentrations; one study reported increased nipple aspirate volume , suggesting estrogenic effects on the breast. Other observations include no effects on endometrial biopsy results or plasma sex hormone-binding globulin concentrations. These effects appear to be due at least in part to the soy isoflavones.

Few hormonal effects have been reported in postmenopausal women consuming soy isoflavones. The major effects reported in postmenopausal women consuming 34–165 mg/d of isoflavones in isoflavone-rich soy protein, soy flour or soy foods include increased sex hormone–binding globulin, a modest decrease in the frequency and severity of hot flushes and vaginal dryness, and a slight increase in vaginal cell maturation. One study showed decreased estrogens and no effects on endometrial biopsy results. These results suggest that soy consumption exerts modest estrogenic effects, likely as a result of the presence of soy isoflavones. Thus, soy consumption appears to exert modest hormonal effects in both pre- and postmenopausal women. The effects are generally in the direction of providing health benefits, although they are quite small and of uncertain clinical significance. Further research must be performed to clarify the magnitude and significance of the hormonal effects of soy consumption, and, if effects are seen, to establish whether the responsible components are the isoflavones or some other soy constituent.